Deze ATC heb ik gemaakt voor de challenge bij TMTA, het onderwerp is Food, ik had een poosje geleden deze cupcake stempels van Hero Arts gekocht en vond ze wel leuk om ze hiervoor te gebruiken.
An ATC for the challenge at TMTA, the theme is Food, I bought these cupcake stamps from Hero Arts a while ago, and thought it would be nice to use them for this.
26 opmerkingen:
This is absolutely Yummy! I love every gorgeous detail:)
Your card is really beautiful! Love the whole layout!
Oh Sanny this is totally awesome.
Yummy ATC. Love them.
Absolutely fantastic!
Een super atc'tje!!! Omdat ik je werk bewonder heb ik je genomeerd voor een blogaward! Neem maar snel een kijkje op mijn blog...
Nans ;-)
Een fantastische ATC.
Precious little girl. No one would have to tell her twice to eat her cupcake! The cake looks wonderful, as does the ATC.
Yes, I'm another one that loves every detail about this ATC. Great job!
Your use of colors are so special. Delicate! Fantastic ATC!
wonderful atc!
absolutely love this sanny
Hmhm, delicious muffin ! Beautiful atc !
LG Anke
It is absolutely wonderful. Love the colors !
Fabulous work!
Fabulous. Great cupcake and I love the high top shoes.
I love the look on the girl's face. Fantastic ATC (great cupcake).
My mouth just waters as I look at this delicious atc. It has wonderful energy and great colours....beautifully designed my friend.
This is delightful - love the colour scheme, the figure, and how the cupcake really stands out.
It's amazing. Love everything about it and it's so funny!
Klasse, Sanny!!
Oh this is beautiful, the girl and the cupcake are great :-)
Schitterend!!! Vind de kleuren en details geweldig.
schitterend is deze
ik vind de leuren helemaal te gek
Heel erg mooi Sanny
xox Rini
Klasse ATC Sanny. Schöne Adventszeit wünsche ich dir.
This is just ADORABLE! Love your work!!!! ~hugs~
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